To achieve educational and research goals of the university and provide the ground for achieving these goals;
To design the necessary programs and measures to become an entrepreneurial library in order to move towards the third-generation university;
To provide services that enhance the quest for knowledge and intellectual activity;
To create various bibliographies and library pathfinders for easy access and retrieval of information;
To create user-centered spaces and services in the library;
To create an atmosphere wherein students and faculty may carry on the learning process enjoyable.
To upgrade and update the library with modern technology and using new methods of librarianship and information to make optimal use of available resources and facilities;
To improve the quantity and quality of services in order to respond as much as possible to the needs of clients.
To develop and enhance the capability of the library resources and services in meet the demands of the curricular, instructional, and research programs of the academic community;
To establish a strong library linkage with other institutions and agencies in the country and if possible, with organizations and agencies from foreign countries by seeking contact with these agencies;
To strengthen the library's bond to the library patrons by establishing "Every Reader, Her/His Book" program which would assist in the development of the library collection;
To provide services that enhance the quest for knowledge and intellectual activity;