"The incubation and Innovation Center of the School of Public Health"                               


In line with the overall policies of the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education and the aim of becoming a third-generation university with a focus on technology, entrepreneurship, and wealth creation, the Incubation and Innovation Center has been established at the faculty.



The vision of the Incubation and Innovation Center is to achieve sustainable development of the university's technology ecosystem with a priority given to promoting an entrepreneurship culture among stakeholders.



The mission of the center is to transfer technology from theoretical research to society, create suitable conditions to support innovative ideas, and facilitate the path from ideation to wealth creation. The center aims to promote entrepreneurial opportunities and encourage students and faculty members to engage in entrepreneurship. Additionally, the center aims to expand knowledge-based businesses and facilitate the commercialization of practical technologies. 


Dr. Ameneh Noorhosseini

PhD in International Economics & Finance

Phone Number: 09196497801

Email: a.noorhosseini@iums.ac.ir 


" The Office of Industry Relations"

The Office of Industry Relations of the Faculty of Health was established in October 2018, in line with the movement of the Iran University of Medical Sciences towards third-generation universities and the new strategic plan of the faculty. The main goals of this office are to develop and align the educational and research activities of the Faculty of Health with the needs of industries and society, as well as to utilize the capabilities of the faculty to address the needs and problems of industries and the community.


 The key objectives of this office are:

• Strengthening and facilitating communication between faculty members and industries, organizations, and government and non-governmental institutions.

• Accelerating and expanding effective cooperation processes with the industry.

• Supporting collaboration agreements with internal specialized groups and external institutions (laboratories) within the framework of industry communication projects.

• Creating opportunities to strengthen and support faculty researchers in attracting external financial resources.


The educational groups of the faculty that have capacity in the field of industrial communication include:

• Environmental Health Engineering Group.

• Occupational Health Engineering Group.

• Health Education and Promotion Group.


Dr.  Shahram Vosoughi

Academic Rank: Associated Professor

Department: Occupational Health

Phone Number: 021-86704807

Email: vosoughi.sh@iums.ac.ir

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